Emperor Norton I
Day - January 8th In memory of Emperor Norton I, Emperor of
the United States and protector of Mexico. The "patron saint" of
unrecognized nations. This holiday is traditionally celebrated with a
"Cookie Dough Fest" (see also "The Molossian Kitchen") |
Molossaphone Day - 28 January A day to laud our National
Musical Instrument, the Molossaphone! |
Chinese New Year - Late January to mid-February (see below).
Celebrated by eating Chinese food, of course! |
Chocolate Mint Day - 19 February. The President's favorite
flavor, celebrated by eating ice cream, of course! |
Mardi Gras - Mid-February to mid-March (see below).
Celebrated with New Orleans food, a party and maybe even a parade! |
Day of the Dude - March 6th In honor of The Dude himself, it’s a day of great easy taking as we strive to do as little as possible. Probably celebrated by going bowling and drinking White Russians. |
Kickassia Invasion
Victory Day - April 11th On 9 April 2010 XXXIII the upstart micronation of Kickassia invaded our nation and overthrew Our President,
installing a new government. Two days later on 11 April, the invasion imploded and control Molossia was returned to The President, a victory for
our country. |
St. Expeditus' Day
- April 19th - Feast Day St. Expeditus is the patron saint of Molossia - even though there are no Catholic Molossians. Because of St.
Expeditus' New Orleans connections, this holiday may be a good time to have a muffaletta |
Heroes Day - April
30th The day on which we recognize the Heroes of Molossia, those individuals that have helped make our nation the great place it is
today, and the day upon which we remember the wartime sacrifices made for our nation by all Molossians. |
Boulder Day - May 1st The day we moved that very large boulder, celebrated with meatball subs! |
Space Day - 4 May (May the Fourth) A rocket or rockets should be launched on or about this day if possible to celebrate the mighty accomplishments of our great Space Program! |
Founder's Day - May 26th Founder's Day is Molossia's
principal National Holiday. This day remembers the date, in 1977, when
Molossia (then known as Vuldstein), first became a nation. Usually
celebrated with a general get-together of all Molossians and a barbecue, all
in Norton Park. |
Navy Day - 4 June Celebrates the founding of Molossia's Navy
on this date in 2005, likely with submarine sandwiches. |
VM (Victory
Mustachistan) Day - June 8th VM Day commemorates the victory
of Molossia over the nation of Mustachistan in the war that took place in
May - June 2006 XXIX. |
St. Swithun's Day - July 15th No particular reason, it just
sounds funny. And it never rains in Molossia on St. Swithun's Day. |
President's Day - July 30th Birthday of His Excellency, the
President. Actually celebrated as many times as possible during July, culminating with a trip to the Olive
Garden, on or about July 30th. |
Chocolate Chip Cookie Day - 4 August Because who doesn't
like chocolate chip cookies? Also as a nod to Molossia's famed monetary
standard. |
The Running of the Dogs - August 26th AKA La Liberigo, our annual celebration of all the canine friends and citizens of Molossia - dog biscuit anyone? |
Katrina Day - August 29th Remembrance day in honor of the
victims of Hurricane Katrina, August 29th, 2005. |
Flag Day - September 9th Remembers the day the Molossian
flag first flew over our sovereign territory, in 1998. It still does. |
MoonPie Festival - September 15th Adaptation of the Chinese
Moon Festival, marking the end of summer and the beginning of autumn.
Celebrated by eating MoonPies, of course! |
Day of Merriment - October 15th Our First Lady's Birthday,
a day of happiness and celebration - and presents, cake and ice cream! |
Halloween - October 31st A huge holiday in Molossia, with
all of the usual trappings, including costumes, candy and
trick-or-treating. |
Día De Muertos - 1 & 2 November The Day Of The Dead, the multi-day holiday where family and friends gather to remember friends and family members who have died, and help support their spiritual journey. Death is a natural part of the human cycle and it is a not day of sadness but as a day of celebration. |
East Germany Day - November 2nd Celebrates the anniversary
of our never-ending war with that long-defunct nation. |
Guy Fawkes Day - November 5th A day to have a bonfire, burn
the Guy and probably have smores! |
Utopia Memorial Day - November 17th Utopia Memorial Day
recalls the now-defunct nation of the United Provinces of Utopia, of which
Molossia was once briefly a province. The original "Cookie Dough Fest" Day. |
Christmas Day - December 25thThe biggest holiday of the
year, celebrated with presents, music, Christmas movies, Christmas cookies
and lasagna for Christmas Dinner (this is in honor of our Italian heritage).
The Christmas Eve meal is a more traditional fare of turkey, mashed
potatoes, gravy, etc. |
Boxing Day - December 26th No particular reason except that
it sounds neat, and is quintessentially British. We tend to be Anglophiles in Molossia. Celebrated with our own version of "Shepherd's Pie". |