The Peace Pole is a monument that displays the message and prayer May Peace Prevail on Earth on each of its four sides, in eight different languages. There are more than 200,000 Peace Poles in 180 countries all over the world dedicated as monuments to peace. They serve as constant reminders for us to visualize and pray for world peace.
The Peace Pole is a way to bring people together to join in a network of peace consciousness that is emerging all over the world. Every Peace Pole proclaims the prayer May Peace Prevail on Earth in the language of the country and often several other languages as well. The more than 200,000 Peace Poles around the world are on all continents, in every country you can think of. They are in simple places, such as churches and gardens, and extraordinary ones, such as at the Pyramids of El Giza, Egypt or the Magnetic North Pole in Canada. They are promoting healing of conflict in places like Sarajevo and the Allenby Bridge between Israel and Jordan.
Molossia's Peace Pole stands in Red Square. Its message is in eight languages. English is represented as the native language of Molossia. Spanish is represented as the native language of many residents of the surrounding Northern Nevada area, as well as throughout the western United States. Chinese is represented because it is the native language of 1.2 billion people. Italian and German are represented because of the Italian and German heritage of most Molossians. Cherokee is represented also because there is some Cherokee heritage among most Molossians. Russian is represented because it is the native language or second language of millions of people in Russia and Central Asia. Esperanto is represented because it is the second language of Molossia and because it is a bridge language between all peoples, and in itself represents peace.

The Languages of Molossia's Peace Pole.
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