30 April 2011 XXXIV
Khamsin Molossia News
Molossia Documentary
The Republic of Molossia is pleased to announce the advent of a new movie about our nation. Titled "Molossia, Nation In The Desert", the film was created by videographer Kevin Wells. Mr. Wells visited Molossia the weekend of 9 and 10 April 2011 XXXIV, and before that accompanied The President and The First Lady around Washington, DC in November 2010 XXXIII. After leaving Molossia three weeks ago, Mr. Wells quickly wrapped up production on the movie and debuted it on 25 April. With an enjoyable mix of humor and seriousness, Mr. Wells' film captures the true spirit of our nation. We are very proud of this latest movie about our nation and look forward to future opportunities to showcase the world's smallest sovereign republic.
See the movie here.
 Kevin Wells Making The Movie
Kiva Again
The Republic of Molossia has yet again contributed to Kiva. Kiva is an organization that allows people to lend money via the Internet to microfinance institutions in developing countries around the world and in the United States, which in turn lends the money to small businesses. This in turn spreads the goal of prosperity throughout the world.
For Molossia's third foray in Kiva, we have chosen to help Umaru Sesay, a small businessman in the African nation of Sierra Leone. Mr. Sesay owns a motorcycle transport business and wishes to expand that business by purchasing a second Victor motorcycle. This will help him better support his family and enhance the local economy. We are quite pleased to be able to help Mr. Sesay achieve his goal. When Molossia's loan is repaid, the money will again be rolled back into Kiva to help another budding business person, and so on. Thus, though Molossia is itself a developing nation, we help others develop as well, the right thing to do in the world community.
We are quite proud of this latest step for Molossia and look forward to future efforts to make our world a better place.
Join the Intermicronational Team Kiva and help micronations help the world!
Visit the main website of Kiva here.

New National Christmas Tree
The Republic of Molossia is pleased to announce the advent of our new National Christmas Tree. Yes, Christmas is months away, but spring is upon us and our new tree has been planted. In the past, the National Christmas Tree has always been within Government House, in the Great Room. However, His Excellency, The President announced a new direction for our holiday tree, calling for one to be planted outdoors for all the world to see. Thus, on 29 April 2011 XXXIV, the new National Christmas Tree was established next to Republic Square and the National Flagpole. The tree is a young Colorado Blue Spruce, just eight Nortons high. It will grow tall there in front of Government House and, beginning this Christmas and for many to come, will represent Molossia's holiday spirit on one of our nation's favorite holidays.

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