On 18 - 20 November 2010 XXXIII, His Excellency, The President and The First Lady toured Washington, DC. They began their visit with a night stroll past the White House and Washington Monument on 18 November, enjoying the beautiful sites of the city lit up in the cool autumn night. The next day the First Couple further toured the monuments of the city, accompanied by videographer Kevin Wells from North Carolina. They visited the Lincoln Memorial, Vietnam Memorial, Korean War Memorial, the National Mall and the World War II Memorial. Along the way, they were greeted by a good many tourists and posed for a few photographs. The President and First Lady then stopped again at the White House, where they were interrogated aggressively by a group of over-zealous Secret Service police, for reasons rather unclear. Perhaps the First Couple's dashing appearance intimidated them, in a city where gray and black seem to be the standard uniform. Once released by the Secret Service, The President and First Lady proceeded to Madame Tussaud's Wax Museum where they posed with various figures of famous people and reenacted the Secret Service incident - with less intimidating wax figures.
20 November was the final day of the visit, and The First Couple visited several museums, including the Museum of American History, the Natural History Museum, the National Archives, and the Air and Space Museum. This concluded their visit, and The President and First Lady left Washington, DC early the following day, to return to Molossia. All in all it was a wonderful, eventful and enjoyable trip and The First Couple will certainly travel again one day to great capital of the United States.
 The White House.
 The President Visiting a Protester at the White House. |
 The First Lady's Sign.
 The President Taking in a Show with Mr. Lincoln.
 The President Explaining Himself to a Secret Service Guy - a Reenactment. |
 The President Being Grilled by J. Edgar Hoover.
 Two First Families.
 The First Lady Taking a Call in the Oval Office. |
 The President being interviewed by Claudia, the public relations representative from Madame Tussaud's Wax Museum. |
 The President and Kevin Wells, our redoubtable videographer on the Washington DC tour. |
 The President and First Lady at the Lincoln Memorial.
 The View Down the National Mall.
 The President Looking Regal.
 The National Mall.
 The President and First Lady at the World War II Memorial.