Wednesday, 26 May 2010 XXXIII marked the 33rd Anniversary of the founding of the Republic of Molossia. For this very special day, the event was celebrated with a party in Norton Park, which included barbequed hamburgers and hot dogs, cupcakes and cookie dough ice cream. Tours of the country were given by His Excellency, The President, followed by the launching of air rockets by the Space Monument. Our tiny country hosted around 23 guests for this celebration, the largest gathering to celebrate our nation's birthday ever. His Excellency, The President gave his annual Founder's Day Speech, and followed that up by awarding the First Lady the Order of the Mustang for her outstanding service to Molossia. In addition, he awarded First Son Nathan the Molossian Academic Medal for his recent participation in the Math Olympics at his school. This is the first award of this medal. Following the speech, awards and dinner, The President gave one last tour before the days events ended. Most of our visitors had never been to Molossia, so the visit was a new experience for them. The celebration was an enormous success, and a fine time was had by all!
Read His Excellency, The President's Founder's Day Speech here!
 The President Holding Forth |
 Relaxing in Norton Park |
 Saluting the National Anthem |
 Awarding The Order of the Mustang |
 The President and the First Lady |
 Awarding the Academic Medal |
 Presidential Tour |
 Tiny Tourist Visits the Post Office |