2021 Founder's Day Speech

Given by His Excellency, President Kevin Baugh
26 May 2021 XLIV

My Fellow Molossians, Family and Friends.

44 years ago today our nation was founded, a simple exploration of the question "what makes a country". In the years since, that question has been answered again and again by our nation. This idea, Molossia, has grown from that simple question to a real place on the map, a land with its own government, customs, infrastructure and more - everything a country should have and more. We are all so proud of Molossia's accomplishments and making our nation the amazing place that it is. As always, we take a moment on this anniversary of our founding to reflect on what we've done in the past year.

This last year was one of many voyages abroad. In June the Institute of Volcanology visited the volcanic region around Mammoth, California, assessing the current state of the geologic features there. Another such survey took place in August, this time to an area of ancient volcanic features near Lassen Peak, also in California.

In July the First Family traveled afield, visiting Berlin, Nevada, possible home to East German subversives, followed this year by a voyage to historical sites in Eastern Nevada and a journey to Washington DC, Philadelphia and New York. All of these journeys helped to enhance our nation's standing in the U.S.

We gained a new citizen late last year with the arrival of Kassandra Dawn in November. Though far away, she is nevertheless a part of our national family and her advent brings our population up to 34.

We suffered some losses as well this last year, with the passing of Molossian citizens Stella the Cat and Molly the Dog. Stella was our first cat citizen, arriving just last August and her passing in March meant her time in Molossia was all too brief. Molly, the quiet dog under the bed, was nevertheless a loving citizen and she will be missed.

COVID finally struck Molossia in December, after leaving our nation alone for nearly a year since the first outbreak. The First Lady, as well as citizens Jacques and Noah, all came down with the virus, although thankfully with limited symptoms. With the arrival of vaccines it is likely that this virus will henceforth pass by our borders and all will be well in our nation.

In February, we participated in first-ever micronation workshop, hosted by the Commonwealth of Dracul. We have a wealth of knowledge to share, owing to the forty-four years our nation has existed. It was an honor to speak in front of so many micronationalists, new and old, on a variety of topics, with a goal of sharing the experiences and accomplishments of our nation.

In February, as well Molossia became signatory to a variety of environmental and human rights treaties, with the goal of making the world a better place, even from our small corner of it.

As far as improving our own nation is concerned, the Red Square Water Tower gained a new tank, and the Salt Mine a new headframe. Two new trees have been planted, further greening our desert realm. And our government is eying an expansion of our nation, by possibly acquiring the property across Mary Lane from Harmony Province. If achieved this would bring our Northern Nevada realm to 4108 Square Royal Nortons (2.6 acres / 1 ha) in size and our overall territory to 22,028 sRN (12.6 acres / 5 ha) in area.

Though we are not a particularly athletic nation, we nevertheless hosted two sporting-type events this last year, with the renowned Misfit Regatta taking place last October and the equally famous Broomball tournament taking place in March. Both are amazing contests of athletic prowess and skill and we are proud of all contestants and their endeavors.

The defense of our nation is paramount in this unpredictable world, and thus last fall our Navy unveiled its latest wonder weapon, the Tuna Cannon. Unusual and powerful, this unique weapon demonstrates our resolve to defend Molossia's sovereignty against all foes, no matter their absurdity. Another effort to enhance our national defense was the launch of a rocket from an island in Lake Lahontan, this first time our Navy has attempted this - to great success.

The hot months of summer brought incidences of wildfire throughout the west and our government increased its emphasis on wildfire safety and fire safety in general. This included the creation of a firefighting equipment stand near Red Square.

Of course international relations are always important and thus Molossia hosted its first State Visit in two years with the arrival of the King and Princes of the Kingdom of Kelley in May. Now that COVID is seemingly on the decline, we hope to host more State Visits in the future, as well as continuing to welcome visitors to our nation on our monthly tours.

This last year has been one of voyages and improvements, always seeking to advance and better our nation. And we will continue to do this always. Nations are living things, not just as collections of like-minded people but also as they evolve and grow. Our nation continues to do this daily, changing, expanding and advancing. As we continue to march into the future I pledge as always to lead and guide you. Together we will work to build a greater nation, greater even than the wonderful, amazing one we have today.

God bless you, Long Live Molossia!

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