Given by His Excellency, President Kevin Baugh
February 10th, 2013 XXXVI
This last year has been a great one for Molossia. We built up our nation at home, literally, and built our reputation abroad, both in the United States and in Europe, with the PoliNation Conference in London. As each day goes by Molossia grows in stature and reputation, and we have only greatness ahead of us.
As the New Year begins then, let us look forward to even greater accomplishments. But more than that, let us have hopes and dreams. Not just hopes and dreams for Molossia, but for the world as well. Let us hope for peace, prosperity and security to return to the world in these troubled times. Let us hope for a bright future for all mankind, and for a peaceful coexistence with this planet we call home.
Let us continue to seek to expand Molossia's role in both the world of small nations and the world of large nations. We all have much to contribute to each other. Let us continue to explore the heavens and the earth around us, for knowledge is indeed power. As always, let us continue to strive, to grow, to explore, to live and to learn.
And so, these things said, let us move forward. Every year is a new beginning for Molossia, and every year brings new opportunities. Molossia is among the greatest of the small nations of the world, a beacon to those that seek self-government and sovereignty. We never hesitate to lead, and to set the example. For thirty-six years now Molossia has grown and prospered. This pace continues unabated, and will continue for many long years.
In this coming year, then, I speak to all Molossians and wish to you all the best. I pledge to continue to lead you as best I can, to be your mentor and your partner. I am not the nation, we all are. And together we shall continue to build toward a great future for all Molossians.