On 18 June 2006 XXIX, ten days after the end of the War with Mustachistan, a War Memorial has been dedicated in Molossia. Located near the new location of the Tower of the Winds, the monument is a simple column with a lion statue at the top. The lion represents victory and strength, while its stance, statant as opposed to rampant, is meant to suggest thoughtfulness as opposed to aggressiveness. It is hoped that this will encourage a pensive mood in those that gaze upon the memorial, in memory of those that have fallen in combat. The column itself is made up of twenty layers, one for each day of the war, plus one for each of the two battles.
His Excellency, The President dedicated the monument today, with a few brief words regarding the memory of the fallen, and of the sacrifices of the Molossian nation. A plaque will be placed on the monument in the near future, reminding us all of the horror of war and joys of peace.

His Excellency, The President dedicates the Monument.

The War Memorial.