On the 20th day of September 2005 XXVIII, a micronational meeting of the first order took place in Washington, D.C. His Excellency, The President of Molossia met with their Majesties Grand Duke Travis and Grand Duchess Cathryn of Westarctica. Meeting in His Excellency's hotel suite, the two leaders had the opportunity to present each other with medals, each for services to the other's nation. From Molossia, The President presented the Grand Duke with the Order of the Mustang, our new order established just for the purpose of recognizing the achievements of non-Molossians. From Westarctica, the Grand Duke presented The President with the Order of the Sword, created to recognize exceptional military achievement. In addition, Grand Duke Travis informed His Excellency that he would soon be granted the Order of the Tiger, Westarctica's newest award. Both leaders were quite honored by the receipt of these awards.
Subsequent to the awards ceremony, His Excellency and the Royal Family repaired to a nearby restaurant for a State Dinner. For over two hours, these august personages discussed matters of micronational protocol, history and politics. Each leader advanced his nations goals and views and further debated matters past, present and future pertaining to the micronational world.
