On Thursday, 6 March 2025 XLVIII, His Excellency, The President underwent minor heart surgery. The surgery was to prevent Supraventricular Tachycardia, or SVT, a condition that causes the heart to speed up. In the President's case SVT episodes have taken his heartbeat up from around 80 beats per minute all the up to 250 beats per minute. Simply put, in the case of SVT, the electrical nodes that regulate heartbeat work against each other causing the heart to speed up dramatically. This is not necessarily life-threatening, but it is painful and uncomfortable. Treatment during an event includes a vagal maneuver, forcibly applying abdominal pressure to "reset" the heart. After a unpleasant few SVT episodes, The President decided to undergo a catheter ablation, a surgical procedure wherein a thin tube (catheter) is inserted into the heart to destroy the abnormal tissue causing the SVT. This procedure took place on the morning of 6 March, and went very well. The President underwent a short recovery and will soon be returning to his duties running the nation, better than ever!
 Technical Stuff. |
 Doing Well! |
 The President Is Somewhere Under All That!