From 11 to 13 August 2024 XLVII, His Excellency The President and the First Lady traveled to the Conch Republic, a self-declared nation located in the Florida Keys, off the southern end of the Florida Peninsula. The purpose of this visit was twofold, to conduct a State Visit to a fellow micronation and to attend a concert in this tropical locale. The Conch Republic (also known as Key West and the Florida Keys) was born in April 1982, when the U.S. Federal Government placed a Border Patrol Roadblock at the Last Chance Saloon in Florida City, Florida. The resultant traffic jam slowed traffic to the Keys, drying up tourist traffic to an area heavily dependant upon that industry. After a lawsuit failed to resolve the roadblock, the stalwart citizens of Key West took matters into their own hand and did the only thing they could do - seceded from the US. On 23 April 1982 the Conch Republic was born. A brief naval battle against a US Coast Guard cutter resulted in a surrender by the new nation, but the Republic was nevertheless successful in its goal of independence and sovereignty. The roadblock subsequently quietly disappeared but the nation born from it lives on to this day.
The hoped-for State Visit between Molossia and the Republic failed to materialize, however, as email entreaties went unanswered, and no dignitary materialized to greet the First Couple upon their arrival. Undaunted, The President and First Lady settled for taking in the sights, noting many Conch Republic flags on display, as well as t-shirts and related souvenirs. The First Couple proudly showed off the Molossia flag at the Southernmost Point in the US, on the extreme edge of Key West. A successful visit to the aforementioned concert rounded out the trip and after three days in the Conch Republic, The President and First Lady returned to Molossia, satisfied with their visit to the unique nation at the ends of the US.
 Conch Republic Shirt |
 The Molossian Flag at the Southernmost Point! |
 The First Lady and the Conch Republic Flag
 Conch Republic Flag in a Tattoo Shop.