On Saturday, 8 June 2024 XLVII The President and First Lady once again returned to the historic Odeon Hall, in Dayton, Nevada. The First Couple spoke at the Odeon Hall in July 2023 XLVI and February 2024 XLVII, and were brought back by popular demand to speak yet again. This time the purpose was attendance OG:NV Dayton, sponsored by Yelp Reno. Dayton is the second oldest (or perhaps oldest) town in Nevada, with a variety of historic structures populating its tiny downtown area. Chief among these is the Odeon Hall, a historic saloon and dance hall that was built in 1863, and has hosted such celebrities as Mark Twain and Adolph Sutro among its patrons and speakers. Recently remodeled and reopened, the Odeon now hosts talks and presentations, among them our President. Among other august attendees at Saturday's Yelp party, His Excellency and the First Lady spoke briefly about Molossia and answered questions. As always, the audience was very appreciative and enjoyed the idea of a self-declared nation right down the road. Afterward, the First Couple enjoyed the entertainment of the famous Marilyn Monroe, an icon on Dayton due to her appearance the movie "The Misfits", filmed in Dayton. It was wonderful as always to be able to share the stories, culture and mere existence of Molossia, and we look forward to future opportunities to do so.
 Marilyn and the First Couple |
 The President and Yelp |
 Representing the Odeon Hall |
 More Marilyn |
 Regal Couple |
 The President Talking
 Marilyn Monroe Singing