On 5 November 2023 XLVI, Molossians celebrated our annual Guy Fawkes Night. Guy Fawkes Night, or Bonfire Night, is a popular event in Great Britain, dating back to the foiled Gunpowder Plot of 5 November 1605 when Guy Fawkes and 13 of his cohorts conspired to blow up Parliament and King James I of England. After the plot was uncovered and the conspirators executed, the 5th of November became an official holiday in Great Britain, adopted likewise in Molossia, in recognition of our English roots. Prior to the holiday, Molossian citizens gathered in Government House and created their own Guys, to burn in effigy. That done, on the 5th of November, the bonfire in Norton Park was lit and Molossians gathered for the evening festivities. Dinner was shepherd's pie, Molossian style, accompanied by hot apple cider and hot chocolate. Dessert was caramel apples. Then the Guy Fawkes rhyme was recited by the company, after which the Guys were committed to the bonfire, one by one, the President's going in first. The evening was concluded with gentle revelry around the fire until it became coals and the celebrants dispersed. A fine time was had by all and we all look forward to next year's Guy Fawkes Night!
 The President's Guy |
 More Guys |
 Even More Guys |
 The First Lady and Lily's Guys |
 Guy Ready for the Fire |
 Guy on Fire |
 Another Guy Goes In |
 Last Guy Burning |
 The Many Guys of Molossia
 Gathering Around the Fire