On 9 and 10 September 2023 XLVI, The President and First Lady traveled to the micronation of Zaqistan for a State Visit. Zaqistan is located on the western edge of the Newfoundland Evaporation Basin northwest of the Great Salt Lake, in the remote northwestern corner of Utah. President Zaq Landsberg founded the nation 2005, after purchasing the land via an Ebay auction. In the years since its founding Zaqistan has become home to several art installations, including the soaring aluminum Monument, topped by a robot. Its borders are guarded by aluminum robots and customs shack, gateway and signs guard the western and only ingress to the nation. The landscape of Zaqistan is arid, with ample sand and scrub bushes, beautiful and sere.
The voyage to Zaqistan was a long one, as the nation is located in the remotest of remote places. The First Couple had to travel all the way across Nevada, to its northeast corner, and then further on into Utah. The final leg of the trip was on dirt roads, winding through empty desert, before eventual arrival at Zaqistan. The President and First Lady were welcomed by a crowd of Zaqistanis, and had their passports stamped by President Landsberg himself at the border. As the arrival was late in the day, the balance of the time was spent around a campfire, discussing micronations and micronationalism, in spirited conversation. The next day, the First Couple arose early and spent several hours helping build robots and installing a weather station to monitor Zaqistani weather. As there are no permanent residents of Zaqistan, monitoring the nation from afar is important. In the afternoon, the President and First Lady eventually took their leave from Zaqistan, bidding a fond farewell to the President and many characters that make up the Zaqistani citizenry. After an overnight stop in Wendover, Nevada, the First Couple returned to Molossia, very satisfied with an historic and entertaining visit to the artistic desert nation of Zaqistan.
 The First Lady Getting Stamped
 Zaqistan at Night
 Early Morning Zaqistan
 The Monument
 Not Ready to Leave Yet!
 Outpost Molossia in Zaqistan
 Distant Flag
 The Zaqistan Flag Against the Desert Sky
 Storm Clouds Over Zaqistan |
 The President and First Lady at the Outpost
 The President Painting
 At the Border Sign
 The President Applying for Zaqistani Citizenship
 New Zaqistani Citizens
 Presenting a Medal
 Molossians and Zaqistanis
 Kite Over the Monument
 Robot Sentinel
 The Road Home
 The Road to Zaqistan
 Passport Stamping at the Border