On Wednesday, 5 July 2023 XLVI The President, First Lady and Chief Constable visited the historic Odeon Hall, in Dayton, Nevada. The purpose was to talk all about our great nation, spreading the word about Molossia to yet another audience. The Odeon Hall is an historic saloon and dance hall that was built in 1863, and has hosted such celebrities as Mark Twain and Adolph Sutro among its patrons and speakers. Recently remodeled and reopened, the Odeon again hosts talks and presentations, among them our President. For over an hour His Excellency, the First Lady and Chief Constable spoke about Molossia before a crowd of rapt listeners, showing pictures of our nation and answering questions. The audience was very appreciative and applauded frequently, evidently enjoying the idea of a self-declared nation right down the road. In addition, Molossia's signature drink, the Molossolini has been added to the Odeon Saloon menu, our money, the Valora will be accepted there and a barstool has been proclaimed to be the official Molossian Embassy to the Hall. It is wonderful to be able to share the stories, culture and mere existence of Molossia, and we look forward to future opportunities to do so.
 The President Telling Tales |
 The First Lady Answering Questions |
 The Chief Constable Chimes In |
 The President Is Coming!
 Molossolini and Valora