On Sunday, 7 May 2023 XLIV, His Excellency, The President and the First Lady visited the United Territories of the Sovereign Nation of the People's Republic of Slowjamastan. Slowjamastan is a fellow micronation, located in the Sonoran Desert east of San Diego. Slowjamastan was founded in August 2021, and is ruled by Sultan Randy Williams, who was inspired to found his nation after visiting Molossia that same month. As Slowjamastan is comparatively close to Molossia, it was only natural to conduct a State Visit to that nation. It is rare for The President to engage in a State Visit to another micronation, as so few have actual territory to visit. Thus, it was with great anticipation that the First Couple arrived in Slowjamastan on a warm spring day. Unfortunately, the Sultan was traveling out of the nation and wasn't able to meet The President and First Lady upon their arrival. Instead the First Couple were welcomed to Slowjamastan by Guv'na Caliva and Guv'ness Speckmeyer of DonSam Wadi, one of the States of Slowjamastan and Governor Palmer of the State of Upper Palmerstan. The Molossian flag was hoisted near the flags of Slowjamastan and DonSam Wadi, and The President and First Lady were welcomed in a wonderful ceremony that included the Key to Slowjamastan, pronouncing of Molossia Appreciation Day and copious gifts from many of the dignitaries present, to the First Couple. The President reciprocated by awarding the Molossian Friendship Medal to the Guv'na, Guv'ness and Governor Palmer, as is his custom when foreign dignitaries visit Molossia. Following the welcome ceremony, the First Couple mingled among the Slowjamastanis, and later toured much of the nation, visiting most of the States. Finally, The President and First Lady took their leave en route to destinations further east. It was a remarkable and fantastic visit to our neighboring desert nation, and one that will always bring fond memories. We look forward to future meetups with Slowjamastanis and a happy friendship between our two nations for years to come!
 Welcome Ceremony |
 Key to the Nation |
 Awarding a Medal |
 Slowjamastan Passports |
 Key and Certificate |
 Molossians and Slowjamastanis |
 The President and Flags |
 First Couple Proud to be Here! |
 Making a Call |
 Slowjamastan Plaque |
 At the Border |
 Border Sign and Smile |
 Visiting DonSam Wadi |
 Official Vehicle
 Welcoming Dignitaries
 The President and Guv'na