As we trudge through a long winter, the coming year promises a variety of events, occasions and activities that warm our hearts. Topping the list are the recent engagements of two Molossian sons to the ladies of their dreams. Mark Baugh is now engaged to Lyndsi Stephens and Bryce Cardoza is now engaged to Jazzy Bailey. We congratulate these two couples and look forward eagerly to their upcoming nuptials. Gratulojn!
Looking forward to other events, the First Family will be traveling this summer to not just one, but two MicroCon micronational meetups. MicroCon 2023 will take place in two phases this year, the first being in Joliet, Illinois, 30 June - 2 July and the second being 11 - 13 August in Ypres, Belgium. Both will be amazing and auspicious occasions. And last but not least other trips are planned for the First Family this year, to Hawai'i, Monterey, San Diego and North Carolina. It promises to be a busy and exciting year, full of ebullience and events, and we are all looking forward to them!
 Mark and Lyndsi
 Bryce and Jazzy