Molossia is a tiny nation and lacking in resources. As such we have very little to export to support our economy. In fact, the joke in our nation is that our two main exports are our children off to school and trash to the United States. Lately however, with the advent of the Molossia Farm, we finally have true exports. Molossia‘s chickens produce eggs and as of last week those eggs became the first real export to customers outside of our nation. Along with that we exported corn and zucchini, fresh from Molossia's Victory Garden. Of course the eggs and produce aren't just for export, they feed our nation as well. The tomatoes go into our salads and the zucchini makes a great side dish. And corn from Molossia's cornfield not only became part of our meals but has also been made into delicious cornbread, a wonderful accomplishment indeed. All in all, Molossia's Farm has enhanced our nation, an added element in our ongoing quest for sovereignty and functionality and one that will serve us well for many years!
 Picking Corn.
 A Basket Of Corn!
 Golden Corn.
 Picking Tomatoes.
 Sunflowers In The Sun.
 Cornmeal, Fresh From The Garden.
 Making Cornbread.
 Cornbread, Ready For Eating!.
 A Bounty Of Eggs.
 And A Bounty From The Garden.