On 5 and 6 August 2022 XLV the Republic of Molossia was honored to participate in the fourth major intermicronational get-together and
conference, MicroCon 2022. Hosted this year by the Grand Duchy of Westarctica, MicroCon is a meet-up of micronationalists from around the world. The
entire event was held at the Sam's Town Hotel and Casino, in Las Vegas, Nevada. The evening before the event began many micronationalists gathered
for a diplomatic reception at the hotel. This allowed the leaders of the assembled nations to gather socially, exchange ideas and generally get to know each other. Most micronationalists come from locales far from each other and the opportunity to meet and greet was a welcome one.
The conference proper began the following day at the hotel, and from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm delegates from over 29 micronations gathered to share their ideas, dreams and worlds with each other. Throughout the day presentations were given on a wide variety of micronational topics, ranging from sovereignty, safeguarding one's micronational legacy, micronations in space, what is a nation, climate change, micronational history, and much more. Introductions to newer micronations, such as Slowjamastan and North Barchant, were also made, and His Excellency President Kevin Baugh gave a well-received talk on micronations of the 1990's and how they contributed to Molossia. Breaks were taken, including lunch, to allow time for networking and socializing - and there many photo-ops in front of each nation's information display. The media was also in
attendance, of course. After an all too brief seven hours the conference adjourned and the delegates departed to prepare for the evening's event, the MicroCon
The MicroCon Gala was a semi-formal ball, arranged as a soirée following the convention. Attendees arrived in the hotel conference room-turned-ballroom at 6:00 PM, dressed in their finery for an evening of dining and hobnobbing. After a magnificent dinner, awards were presented by various micronational leaders to their peers and associates. His Excellency was inducted into the Micronational Hall of Excellence. Following the awards ceremony was a trivia competition, the victorious team winning a magnificent golden belt designed by Molossian Commodore Jonathan Miller. Dining and socializing continued afterward until the evening wound down and each leader and their party took their leave. Thus ended this year's MicroCon event. The next MicroCon is planned for Chicago in 2023. Until then, MicroCon 2022 was an amazing event and one of memories and experiences that will last for a very long time!
 The President and First Lady.
 The President and First Lady with Princess Chloe of Sancratosia.
 The President is Awarded the Iron Heart.
 The President and Prince Jean-Pierre of Aigues-Mortes.
 The President and Grand Duke Travis of Westarctica.
 Molossians Meeting Slowjamastanis.
 The President is Inducted into the Micronational Hall of Excellence.
 The First Family with Molossians Commodore and Mrs. Miller.
 The President, First Lady and Chief Constable.
 The President and First Lady with the Grand Marshal and First Lady of Obsidia.
 MicroCon 2022!
 Molossia's MicroCon Display.
 The President Meeting with Young Micronationalists.
 The President with Queen Carolyn of Ladonia.