On 12 June 2022 XLV, the Molossian Institute of Volcanology embarked on their latest scientific mission, a return trip to Lava Beds National Monument. The Molossian Institute of Volcanology is dedicated to the study and exploration of volcanoes and related geological activities. The Lava Beds is an enormous area of ancient volcanic activity, located in Northern California. Over a period of the last half-million years, volcanic eruptions on the Medicine Lake shield volcano have created a rugged landscape dotted with many interesting volcanic features including more than 700 lava tube caves, as well as Native American rock art sites, and an historic battlefield.
Arriving at about 12:00 PM MST, the Volcanology team quickly leapt into the main activity of the park, exploring the many lava tube caves. The team's goal was to explore caves not previously surveyed on past expeditions, the most recent having been in 2013 XXXVI. They first explored Valentine Cave, then the team moved to Sunshine and Sentinel Caves, followed by Skull Cave, which has an ice floor. Subsequently the team explored the remote Heppe Cave, which occasionally also has an ice floor, although this was not seen this time. After a short stop at Black Crater, an ancient spatter cone, the expedition came to an end. This mission was a great success for the Molossian Institute of Volcanology, always seeking to understand the geology of our amazing world.
 Expedition Ready!
 Down Into Valentine Cave.