It's time again for Molossian Broomball, the famous game with no rules! Though honestly we Molossians aren't a real athletic bunch, when the mood strikes us we take up brooms and head out to play broomball. Molossian Broomball isn't like that played up in the Frozen North, none of that sissy messing about on ice stuff for us Molossians! Here, we have brooms, we have a ball and we have a rock strewn dirt patch called the Alphonse Simms Memorial Cosmodrome and Broomball Field. On this dusty sward we valiantly whack that poor ball (or balls) back and forth and spend large amounts of time retrieving them from the surrounding sagebrush. Eventually we tire of this and call it a game. Rules? None actually. If you want to have two teams, three teams, no teams, switch teams (if there are any) mid-game, have goals, have no goals, have sword fights with the brooms - anything goes. But above all the main goal is to have fun!
 Ready to Play!
 Game On!
