16 January 2022 XLV
Khamsin Molossia News

The Republic of Molossia is pleased to announce the advent of its first "sovereign" motor vehicles. Of course there are many cars and even a truck among the conveyances that call our country home. But, because of our small size and proximity to the US, those vehicles must be registered in the US. Recently, however, two minibikes were added to the transport fleet in Molossia and these are registered in Molossia alone. This makes them the first vehicles sovereign to our nation, and not under the authority of the United States. In spite of being registered solely in Molossia, these minibikes can still nevertheless voyage across the border into the US, local to Molossia, much as cars from the US can travel to Canada. The minibikes will be used to roam around our nation, and into the wilds over the border, as desired. We are quite excited and proud to have our own sovereign motor vehicles here in Molossia now, and look forward to them serving our nation well for many years to come!

License Plate

License Plate.

The President

The First
Lady Riding.

The President Astride His Minibike.

The First Lady Astride Her Minibike.

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