Christmas is a major holiday in Molossia and a time of great tradition as well as festivity. Traditionally a three-day celebration, the holiday actually began on December 24th with a big Molossian family gathering. Molossians gathered from miles around in Government House to exchange gifts and engage in family revelry. Christmas Eve dinner consisted this year of a wide variety of snacks and goodies and Christmas Eve activities including watching Christmas movies, baking (and eating) cookies and other treats, and drinking eggnog. The evening ended with the reading of the "Night Before Christmas", a Molossian tradition. Christmas morning, December 25th, began early, as the family descended upon the pile of presents beneath the National Christmas Tree. Once the present-opening ended, Christmas breakfast was made and served, and afterward the family headed out from our nation to the US, to watch a movie and enjoy a Christmas dinner over the border. Boxing Day is on December 26th, and is the last day of the Christmas holidays. While no special events usually take place, dinner on Boxing Day this year was spaghetti, in keeping with Molossia's Italian heritage. This wrapped up the Christmas events for the year, with everyone eagerly looking forward to the distant arrival of next year's Christmas.
 A White Christmas in Republic Square. |
 The Molossian Family Gathered for the Holiday. |
 Molossia's Traditional Christmas Crane, Decorated for the Holiday. |
 Molossia's Annual Christmas Card. |
 The National Christmas Tree In Republic Square.
 The National Christmas Tree Inside Government House.