On 2 and 3 May 2021 XLIV, The President, First Lady and Chief Constable of Molossia ventured forth into wilds of Nevada on a mighty expedition to find various historical markers and explore the far reaches of the Silver State. Dubbed the Silver State Scavenger Hunt by Nevada Magazine, tireless promoter of the great state in which Molossia lies, the goal was to seek out markers in distant, out of the way locales. Upon finding at least ten of the 28 markers, the finder (in this case the First Family) wins a package of swag, and bragging rights for having seen seldom seen corners of Nevada. Thus, on a chilly Sunday morning the intrepid adventurers set out, aiming first for a marker along the highway to nearby Pyramid Lake. The next stop was the town of Lovelock, followed by the eccentric Thunder Mountain Monument, a homemade castle with a very micronational feel. After a side voyage to the Star City ghost town marker, the travelers paused in Winnemucca, then pressed on to the ghost town of Palisade. There they explored the ruins and hailed passing trains in the narrow defile through which the Humboldt River runs. The last marker of the day was in Elko, where the travelers also paused for the night. The next day saw the long haul down to Ely (pronounced Ee-lee) and a marker there outside the county museum, then on to Garnet Hill, a gem hunting location where the First Lady was sole finder of garnets. Stopping briefly at the marker for Hamilton ghost town, the First Family pressed on, exploring the living ghost towns of Eureka and Austin. The penultimate stop was an old school in Fallon and the final marker was found in the dark next to Walker Lake, near Hawthorne. This wrapped up the great excursion through Northern Nevada in search of it's history and landmarks - a mighty voyage indeed!
 Thunder Mountain Park |
 Giant Redwood, Winnemucca |
 Palisade Canyon And Humboldt River |
 Exploring Trains, Palisade |
 Elko |
 Old Ely Train Station |
 Digging For Garnets |
 The First Lady's Garnet Trove |
 Downtown Eureka |
 Stokes' Castle, Austin |
 Ready for Adventure!
 The Vast Great Basin