His Excellency, The President, the First Lady and the Chief Constable traveled to Washington DC, followed by Philadelphia and New York City during the week of 14 - 20 March. Though primarily for pleasure, there were opportunities for micronational meetups during this voyage. Due to travel delays, meetups were not possible during the First Family’s stay in DC. Nevertheless, the trio took in all the monumental sights of the US capital, frequently by scooter. The DC visit closed with a visit to the legendary Comet Ping Pong Pizza, central to enduring fringe conspiracy theories. Following DC, the First Family visited Gettysburg, site of the most momentous battle ever on American soil. A somber moment was passed there, in memory of the many Americans of both sides that fell in the gargantuan struggle. During the subsequent visit to Philadelphia, The President was finally able to meet Molossia’s Ambassador of Goodwill there, Jerry Ehrlich, a meeting long overdue. Again, due to travel delays, a proposed appearance on Philadelphia television could not take place, in spite of the Ambassador’s valiant efforts. Prior to stopping in Philadelphia, an unexpected side trip occurred, to East Berlin (Pennsylvania), a heretofore unknown bulwark of Molossia’s arch enemy, cleverly concealed in the rural United States. Our East German foes have no limit in their nefariousness. Finally, after Washington and Philadelphia, the First Family arrived by train in New York, spending three days there, sampling the culture and cuisine of that great city. The voyage ended, The President, First Lady and Chief Constable then returned to Molossia after a week abroad, happy to come back to our nation, but equally pleased with their mighty voyage.
 The Tomb Of The Unknown Soldier, Arlington Cemetery |
 Comet Ping Pong Pizza, Center Of A Conspiracy Theory |
 East Berlin, Pennsylvania |
 Cannons At Gettysburg Battlefield |
 The Liberty Bell, Philadelphia |
 Independence Hall, Philadelphia |
 Meeting With Molossia's Goodwill Ambassador, Jerry Ehrlich |
 The Statue Of Liberty |
 First Couple In Times Square |
 On Top Of New York! |
 The Washington Monument Amid Cherry Blossoms
 Mr. Lincoln