The week of 6 - 12 September 2020 XLIII has been one of ups and down, sadness and joy. Sunday, 6 September marked the 9th anniversary of the shooting death of Molossian compadre and friend, Miranda Mc Elhiney. Miranda was murdered in 2011 along with three others in a mass shooting at an IHOP restaurant in Carson City, Nevada. Every year on the date of the shooting His Excellency, The President, along with members of the Nevada National Guard, perform a memorial walk / run from the former site of the restaurant to the National Guard Armory three miles distant, "bringing the fallen home". We will never forget Miranda, a fallen Hero of Molossia.
On Thursday, 10 September was more upbeat, with a family gathering in Government House to watch Pirates of the Caribbean, Curse of the Black Pearl, as part of an impromptu pirate night. Ocean-themed foods were served, including fish sticks, Swedish Fish candy and Goldfish snacks, as well as Ben and Jerry's Phish Food ice cream. Sword fights were had and the movie enjoyed at this nautical festivity, a week before Talk Like A Pirate Day!
Thursday, 10 September also marked the President and First Lady's 9th wedding anniversary, which they celebrated the following day, on the 11th. The First Couple traveled to Reno, Nevada to celebrate, dining at the upscale Churrasco Brazilian Steakhouse and spending the night in the Imperial Suite of the Peppermill Resort. Happy Anniversary you two!
Saturday, 12 September saw the arrival of a new Molossian resident, Stella the Cat. It has been a while since a feline has called Molossia home and The President decided it was time to adopt. Stella is an older cat, about eight years old, and a bit skittish around people. It is certain though that she will warm to the First Family and soon become a beloved member of the household.

Stella The Cat.
 Memorial of the IHOP Shooting.
 Pirate Sword Fight!

First Couple Anniversary Night.