Saturday, 18 July 2020 XLIII brought both a hot day and an unusual group of visitors for our July tourist visit. Arriving early to visit our nation were Ammar Kandil, Thomas Brag and Bryce Perry from the YouTube channel Yes Theory. Yes Theory makes films about unique experiences and stories from around the world, with the belief that life's greatest moments and deepest connections exist outside your comfort zone. Here to do a story about Molossia, the Yes Theory team immediately ingratiated themselves with The President by bringing a giant cooler full of no less than 25 tubes of chocolate chip cookie dough! As you know, chocolate chip cookie dough is the standard upon which our currency, the Valora, is based, so the arrival of all that cookie dough was literally money in the bank - the Bank of Molossia, that is. Shortly after this startling and generous gift arrived so did the tourists for the day's visit and with them another surprise, a group of East Germans! Claiming to represent the government of our eternal enemy, the East German contingent petitioned His Excellency to end the endless war with their nation. Upon consideration, The President emphatically declined, preferring to continue the war for a variety of reasons, among them the fact that the ongoing bloodless conflict has become a part of our culture now, and it would be disappointing and sad to give it up after all these years. The East Germans seemed to accept this decision and thence contented themselves with enjoying their visit to Molossia. After these initial surprises the tour otherwise went well, the First Family hosting our largest tour group of the year, 23 tourists, in spite of the hot day. At the end, The President concluded with an interview with Yes Theory, the chronicle of their visit to come out soon on their YouTube channel. It was a great - and unusual - tourist day, here in the Republic of Molossia!
 Yes Theory Presenting 25 Tubes Of Cookie Dough!
 East German Peace Overture