26 May 2020 XLIII
Founder's Day 2020
The Republic of Molossia celebrated it's 43rd anniversary on 26 May 2020 XLIII, albeit rather quietly. As compared to parties usually held to celebrate our nation's birthday, celebrations this year were low key. Founder's Day 2020 fell on a Tuesday, not the best day on which to hold a fête. Nevertheless, each Molossian celebrated the birthday of our great nation in their own way. A post-Founder's Day barbecue is also planned, for a later date.
In the meantime, let's all wish a very Happy Birthday to the Republic of Molossia, our home, our land, our heart, mighty and magnificent!
Read His Excellency, The President's 2020 XLIII Founder's Day Speech here.

Founder's Day 2020 Molossia Post Stamp |
May Tourists
The Coronavirus 19 pandemic has thrown a wrench in the works as far as visiting our nation goes, but this finally changed on 23 May. After the COVID-related cancellation of the April tour, it was decided that the threat from the virus had diminished enough to allow a small tour in May. Thus on a beautiful Saturday morning ten tourists - the maximum number allowed - arrived at our nation's border, ready to see the sights. Maintaining a reasonable amount of social distance, our visitors were welcomed to Molossia and taken on a tour of our nation by the President and First Lady. All had a wonderful time visiting our nation and we hope that they might come back and see us again in the future!
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