On Wednesday, 22 August 2018 XLI, The President and First Lady attended the annual Diversity Day event, held at the Nevada National Guard, in Carson City Nevada. Diversity Day is about celebrating different world cultures through music, dance, costumes and food. This fifth annual Diversity Day featured Polynesian music, bagpipe players, dancers, singers and 18 food booths representing a wide variety of cultures. The Republic of Molossia has participated in four Diversity Day events, the past two celebrating our nation itself. As with last year's event, a booth was set up showcasing pictures of our nation, as well as providing food and drink native to Molossia. This year our representative food was Molkebabs (skewers of meat and cheese) and cookie dough ice cream, representing the chocolate chip cookie dough upon which our money is based. The beverage provided was Molossolini, Molossia's extremely popular signature drink. Many visitors to Molossia's booth were well aware of our nation, while some needed educating on who and what Molossia is. In turn, The President and First Lady enjoyed learning about other cultures from around the world. All in all, this year's Diversity Day event was a great success and we look forward to next year's celebration!
 Amazing Taiwan Booth. |
 Hula Dancers. |
 First Couple Climb The Matterhorn. |
 President and First Lady Representing.
 Prepping Food.
 Diversity Day Setup.