On Saturday, 26 May 2018 XLI, The Republic of Molossia turned 41 years old, another major milestone for our great nation. On a windy, sunny Saturday afternoon, friends, family and fans of our nation and proud Molossians gathered to mark our nation's birthday. The event began at 3:39 PM MST with a tour of Molossia given by His Excellency, The President and The First Lady. In all, over 40 people visited Molossia, here to help us celebrate our nation's birthday. Many of our visitors had never before been to Molossia, so the visit was a new experience for them. After the tour, our nation's guests gathered in Red Square for His Excellency's annual Founder's Day speech. Following the speech was a barbecue and general amicable gathering in Red Square, to wrap up the celebration. This concluded the official celebration of Molossia's 41st Founder's Day and a fine time was had by all!
Read His Excellency, The President's Founder's Day Speech here!
 Founder's Day Tour. |
 Red Square Ready for a Party! |
 Everyone Who Helped Us Celebrate Founder' Day! |
 The President Delivering His Speech. |
 Founder's Day Rainbow Over Molossia! |