Saturday, 21 April 2018 XLI was truly an exceptional day. Under a brilliant blue Molossian sky, His Excellency, The President, The First Lady and the Chief Constable welcomed our first tourists of the year, a mighty group of 25 visiting us from all over the world. Additionally, it was our honor to welcome Ambassador Dominique Garing of the Republic of Saugeais for a State Visit. Accompanied by Clara and Geoff, the Ambassador is traveling the world, visiting various micronations as part of a documentary project. As is customary, the State Visit began with a short ceremony in Republic Square, raising the flags of both nations over Molossia, followed by the playing of both national anthems and an exchange of gifts. After the ceremony the Ambassador and his companions joined the visiting tour group for a tour of our nation, seeing all the sights of Molossia, including Red Square, Norton Park, the Molossia Railroad and our new Constabulary, wherein a few miscreants were briefly detained for bringing banned items into Molossia. Following the tour our other guests bid farewell to Molossia as they returned to their homes, and the Ambassador, Clara and Geoff sat down with His Excellency in the Office of the President to discuss Molossia and micronations in general. Thereafter, the Ambassador and his companions departed Molossia, thus ending a successful diplomatic meeting and a rousing tourist visit, an august day for Molossia indeed.
 Welcoming Visitors
 Telling Tales About Molossia
 Telling More Tales About Molossia
 Troublemakers In Jail
 A Coin Into The Fountain Guarantees A Return To Molossia
 Mighty Tour Group
 The Ambassador And President In Republic Square
 Awarding A Medal
 Receiving A Flag