The Republic of Molossia is proud to welcome our newest native-born citizen, Penelope Rose Morrow. Penny is the third Molossian born since 1991, following the December 2015 XXXIX birth of Bradley Thomas William Harrison and the March 2016 XL birth of Noah Nicholas Morrow. Penny arrived on 11 January 2018 XLI, at 6:44 PM MST, weighing 4 Fenwicks, 2 Bascombs (3.7 kg) and measuring 2.8 Nortons (50 cm) in length. Penny was born at home in Boulder, Colorado, USA, but it was arranged that a pouch of dirt be placed under the delivery bed, so that she could be born over Molossian soil. The child of Molossians Jacques Morrow and Christina Coates-Morrow, Penny is the third grandchild of The President and First Lady. Our nation's population was 33; the birth of the Third Grandchild has raised it to 34, small but mighty - and still growing. Welcome to Molossia Penny!
 Baby Penny, First Day On Earth