On Saturday, 9 September a mighty and diverse group of tourists visited Molossia, one of our larger and most unusual groups to date. Among the 24 visitors to our nation were the Great Basin Geeks, a trio of Mormon missionaries and a film team from NBC. The latter were filming a story about Molossia for the Sunday TODAY show, which should air in early October. Beginning at 10:40 MST the group began exploring Molossia escorted by His Excellency, The President, The First Lady and Chief Constable Alexis. The Great Basin Geeks kicked off the tour by presenting The President with a beautiful medal - His Excellency and the Geeks have a special friendship going back many months. Once passports were stamped and photos taken at the border, the group took in all the sights of our nation, including Red Square, Norton Park and the Tower of the Winds. The President as usual regaled our visitors with the stories and culture of Molossia, ensuring they had an enjoyable visit. Finally, their curiosity about the world's smallest republic satisfied, our visitors returned to the United States, destined for adventures elsewhere. We are happy as always to have hosted this great and fun group of travelers and fans of Molossia in our nation and wish them well on their future pursuits.

The Great Basin Geeks. |

The President's New Medal. |
 The Whole Group.
 The NBC Team.