11 July 2017 XL
Khamsin Molossia News

The Republic of Molossia is a bit larger country than can be seen in our Home Territory located in Northern Nevada. Our nation also possesses two other enclaves, Desert Homestead Province, located near Joshua Tree, California, and Farfalla Colony, located outside the Northern California town of Alturas. It was to this latter that His Excellency, the President and The First Lady journeyed on 9 July 2017 XL. Farfalla consists of 7,965 Square Royal Nortons (2 hectares / 4.9 acres) of uninhabited land surrounded by rolling forested hills. It is split by a small creek named Deer Run and is covered in juniper and piƱon trees, wild flowers and grasses. In the absence of humans, there is substantial wildlife in Farfalla, including deer, coyotes, cottontail rabbits and the occasional house cat.

The First Couple spent several hours at Farfalla, raising the flag upon the flagpole that is one of only two man-made structures in the colony, the other being an aged wood bridge over Deer Run Creek. The occasion of the visit was also marked by burying a small time capsule at the base of the flag pole, which includes pictures of Molossia and Farfalla, a small flag, Molossia coins and a blue, white and green bracelet of the First Lady's. The stay in Farfalla also included the first time the colony has been toured at night, an excursion enhanced by the brilliant light of the full moon.

This was the first visit to Farfalla in over two years, being as it is some distance from the Molossian heartland. Plans have been made to establish a more permanent presence there, plans which will be implemented over time. In the meantime, we will continue to enjoy our distant colony from afar.

Deer Run Creek.

The Time Capsule.

Burying the
Time Capsule.

Still Trying to
Bury the
Time Capsule.

Farfalla at Night.

The Flag Flying.


The Bridge Overgrown.

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