On 23, 24 and 25 June 2017 XL the Republic of Molossia was honored to
participate in the second major intermicronational get-together and
conference, MicroCon 2017. Hosted this year by the Kingdom of Ruritania,
MicroCon is a meet-up of micronationalists from around the world. The
evening before the event began many micronationalists gathered at the
Embassy of the Kingdom of Ruritania for a diplomatic reception. This
allowed the leaders of the assembled nations to gather socially, exchange
ideas and generally get to know each other. Most micronationalists come
from locales far from each other and the opportunity to meet and greet at
the Embassy was a welcome one.
The conference proper began the following day at the Tucker Reid
H. Cofer Library, in Tucker Georgia, and from 10:30 am to 4:00 pm, delegates
from 26 micronations gathered to share their ideas, dreams and worlds with
each other. Throughout the day presentations were given on a wide variety
of micronational topics, ranging from micronational citizenship,
sustainment, territorial versus non-territorial state models, micronational
currency and postage, micronation constitutions and history, the mental
state of the iconic Emperor Norton (as well as our own mental states) and
even the danger of squirrels. Breaks were taken, including lunch, to
allow time for networking and socializing - and of course many photo-ops in
front of each nation's information display. The media was also in
attendance, including Vice Television, a delegation from the Republic of
Saugeais and of course stalwart micronational photographer Matt Roth. After
an all too brief five and a half hours the conference adjourned and the
delegates departed to prepare for the evening's event, the MicroCon
The MicroCon Gala was a semi-formal ball, arranged as a soirée following the
convention. Attendees arrived at Maggiano's Little Italy restaurant in the
Perimeter Mall at 7:30 PM, dressed in their finery for an evening of dining
and hobnobbing. After a magnificent dinner, awards were presented by various
micronational leaders to their peers and associates. Among the presenters
were Grand Duke Travis of Westarctica, the Prince and Princess of
Aigues-Mortes, The King of Slabovia, The President and First Lady of
Molossia, and Prince Arthur of Homestead. His Excellency, The President
was honored to receive the Pink Flamingo from Aigues-Mortes, the Order of Slabovia from
Slabovia and both The President and First Lady received the Distinguished Micronational
Service Medal from the House of Homestead. Following the awards ceremony
dining and socializing continued until the evening wound down and each
leader and their party took their leave. Thus ended this year's MicroCon
event. MicroCon 2017 was an even greater one than the first event in 2015
and the next MicroCon is already being planned for Toronto in 2019. Until
then the memories of this remarkable MicroCon will remain with all for a
very long time!
 Conference Attendees.
 Conference in Session.
 President Desaintes, Sôgmô Will Soergel, Prince Jean-Pierre.
 Queen Anastasia, President Baugh, Sôgmô Will Soergel.
 The King and Prince of Royal Edan.
 Foreign Minister Michael Farr, Vice President John Farr.
 Molossians and Westarcticans.
 King Ernest Emmanuel, King Philip, Grand Duke Travis, Prince Dinny, Prince Arthur.
 Prince Arthur, President Baugh, Prince Jean-Pierre, King George.
 Prince Arthur of Homestead.
 King of Richard I Royal Edan.
 First Lady Adrianne Baugh.
 King George II of Slabovia.
 Vice-President John Farr of West Who.
 Sôgmô Will Soergel of Sandus.
 Prince Jean-Pierre and Minister Olivier Martinez of Aigues-Mortes.
 Cathy von Elfberg, Prince Jean-Pierre and Queen Anastasia.
 Aigues-Mortes Interview.
 Baron Cisneros of Flandrensis.
 Grand Duke Travis Attentive.
 Baron Omar, Grand Duke Travis, Sôgmô Will Soergel.
 Gala Group. |
 Westarcticans and the Prince and Princess of Aigues-Mortes. |
 Dining at the Gala. |
 Gala Group. |
 The Prince and Princess Greet Queen Anastasia. |
 Prince Arthur Presnts an Award. |
 Grand Duke Travis Presents an Award. |
 A Toast! |
 Another Gala Group. |
 The President Gives an Interview.
 Micronational Assembly!
 An August Group.