UPDATED! Winter Storms Slam Molossia
Winter in Molossia can be a highly unpredictable experience and tends to happen in waves. Sometimes we will go through a long dry spell, with close to warm temperatures, followed by storms of varying intensity - and followed by another dry spell. These storms may involve rain or snow, the latter rarely lasting more than a day or two. On occasion, however, a truly powerful storm will arrive and remind us what winter in this mountainous area can truly be like. This week, the first of January 2017 XL, brought one of these storms. It began, as most of our storms do, with powerful winds rolling in, blowing away anything not tied down. Following the winds came rain, pouring down for over a day, an unusually long period for our dry desert. After the rain temperatures dropped and the snow arrived. Over the course of an evening a blanket of white settled on Molossia and the surrounding valleys, burying us under several Micronortons of snow. By mid-day on Thursday, 5 January, the snow let up, but not before snarling traffic and generally causing havoc. This area will have a brief chilly respite for a day or so, with more snow predicted over the next week at least. Between the rain and snow, with temperatures slightly warming soon, there is a real possibility of flooding in the local rivers and streams. In years past winter floods have devastated nearby towns in the US, themselves generally unaccustomed to much moisture. It is hoped that flooding will not happen this year; in the meantime the Molossian Weather Service will remain vigilant, monitoring our volatile, ever-changing weather.
UPDATE: Winter weather continues to invade Molossia and the surrounding area. The second week of January saw slightly warmer temperatures which had the effect of melting the recent snow, causing flooding throughout the region. Streams and rivers swelled and broke their banks, inundating low-lying areas. After a few days the flooding receded and the snow returned. The cycle then repeated, snow followed by melting, followed by flooding - although lesser than earlier in the month. This winter has been an unusually wet one, and more is likely to come!
 Snow Coming In |
 Pelting Down |
 Winter Wonderland |
 Red Square Turned White |
 Another Storm Covers Republic Square |
 Flood Stage On The Carson River |
 RollingAsia Before The Flood |
 RollingAsia During The Flood |
New Information Sign
Molossia has visitors all year round, even outside our tourist season. At the border of our nation we have a box that holds brochures for the drive-by visitor's enjoyment and education, but on occasion those brochures run out. A more permanent solution was sought, to provide information to the casual unplanned tourist. Thus, late last month an information sign was installed on our western frontier, next to the new Free Library and not far from the Customs Shack. The sign gives an overview of Molossia, including facts in brief and pictures of our flag, coat of arms, President and First Lady. Besides pictures, the sign also includes visiting information, in the event the passersby would like to arrange a more formal tour of our nation. It is hoped that our new sign will enhance the Molossia experience for all of our visitors whether they be arriving for a tour or just passing and pausing to wonder about our great nation.
 Information Sign and Free Library
 Information Sign