Our nation's population has grown again. On 1 October 2016 XXXIX Molossian citizen and First Son Mark Baugh wed his true love, Danielle Young, in a lovely ceremony held at nearby Lake Tahoe. Along with Danielle, Mark welcomes Danielle's two daughters Jade and Lyla to his family and as a result of the nuptials Danielle, Jade and Lyla are automatically conferred Molossian citizenship. This bring our nation's population to a record 35 citizens. Over the past fourteen months, Molossia has grown by seven new citizens, explosive growth for such a small nation. Granted, most of our citizens live as expatriates in the US, but they are still part of our Molossian Family - a family now larger by three. Welcome to Molossia!
 Mark Baugh With New Citizens Danielle, Lyla and Jade
 Population 35!