On 2 July 2016 XXXIX, President Ross Wilbanks of the Republic of Cordovia visited Molossia for the first State Visit between our two nations. Cordovia is currently located in Sacramento, California. Cordovia is nomadic nation, developing over the past ten years. Soon the nation will move to Maryland, to take up a more permanent home there. President Wilbanks arrived at 10:09 AM MST, accompanied by his head of his security. His Excellency and the President made the State Visit official by exchanging medals in Republic Square, after which discussions were held in the Office of the President pertaining to micronational matters and especially to the development of Cordovia. After discussions The President and Chief Constable took President Wilbanks on a tour of Molossia, accompanied by Heidi and Antonia, who were visiting our nation from San Jose. During the tour the group saw all the sights of our nation, and the ladies gave The President a special gift, "Molossia" inscribed on a grain of rice. A very unique gift indeed! Following the tour President Wilbanks, his security Chief, Heidi and Antonia bid farewell to Molossia as they returned to Cordovia and San Jose. Thus ended a successful diplomatic meeting, a milestone for both of our great nations.
 Molossia Visitors
 Molossia On A Grain Of Rice |
 The President and President Wilbanks in Republic Square
 At The Border