The Republic of Molossia is proud to welcome our newest citizen - and there's another on the way! Missing for over 32 years, Jacques Morrow has returned to our national fold, so to speak. Jacques is the eldest son of His Excellency, The President. Born in 1983, Jacques disappeared shortly thereafter, kidnapped by a roving band of circus little people. Raised by them, he was trained in the circus arts and Tae Kwon Do, traveling the world while performing for the circus. Eventually his path led to Molossia where it was discovered that he was the son of Our President and welcomed back to our family nation. At present Jacques is a performance artist in Colorado and still travels widely, performing to packed houses in America. Welcome back to our long-lost Molossian - you have been missed!
In related news, this December will see our population grow yet again, as we welcome our first natural-born Molossian baby. The child of Molossian Kaylin Harrison, he or she will be the first grandchild of The President and First Lady. Our population is now 28; the birth of the First Grandchild will bring our nation's population to 29, still small but mighty - and growing!
 Jacques Morrow.
 One On The Way!