Disaster struck Molossia on Friday, 6 February 2015 XXXVIII when a powerful winter storm swept through the region. Beginning that afternoon hurricane force winds struck our nation, blasting everything it their path. Winds as strong as 144 Imperial Nortons per hour (144 kph/90 mph) slammed Molossia for over 12 hours, wreaking destruction throughout our nation. Gusts knocked over the Customs Shack and the Wishing Well in Red Square, ripped trim from the Office of the President, knocked down part of the fence on our northern frontier and tossed the Red Square fire pit through a lattice fence like a toy. Shingles were torn from nearly every roof in Molossia, including Government House. In the midst of this destruction rain began to fall in early afternoon, soon turning into a torrent that lasted most of Friday night.
Saturday morning, 7 February, dawned clear and calm and Molossia arose to assess the damage. By mid-afternoon minor repairs to roofs had been accomplished, but the real rebuilding will take time. It is estimated by the government that the fences will be repaired by Monday, but the Customs Shack will be out of commission for at least a week. It is certain to be rebuilt by the advent of tourist season on 15 April - barring any new storm damage. But another storm is in the offing and one never knows what is next in our ever-changing desert land.
 The Wishing Well Turned Over.
 The Customs Shack Knocked Down.
 Fence Destruction.
 More Fence Destruction.
 Damage to the President's Office.