On 16 August 2014 XXXVII, Shogun Wyatt Larsen, Ruler of Wyzanitia, visited Molossia for the first State Visit between our two nations. Wyzanitia is located in Albany, California and also online in a game called Minecraft. Wyzanitia was founded on 6 June 2014 XXXVII as a real-world nation and later expanded into the virtual world. The Shogun arrived at 10:39 AM MST, accompanied by Eric Larsen, head of his military. His Excellency and the Shogun made the State Visit official by posing with their nations' flags in Republic Square, after which The President, First Lady and Chief Constable took the Shogun and Mr. Larsen on a tour of Molossia. During the tour they saw all the sights of our nation, after which they repaired to the Office of the President, where discussions were held pertaining to micronational matters and especially to the development of Wyzanitia. Following this the Shogun and Mr. Larsen bid farewell to Molossia as they returned to Wyzanitia by way of nearby Virginia City. Thus ended a successful diplomatic meeting, a milestone for both of our great nations.
 The President and The Shogun in Republic Square