13 August 2014 XXXVII
New Canine Citizens
Here in the Republic of Molossia, with our tiny population, we are proud to
count our dogs among our citizens. They are loyal, protective and often
entertaining. Thus it was without hesitation that earlier in the month of
August that we added two new residents to our canine population, Tom
Sawyer Baugh and Huckleberry Finn Baugh. Tom and Huck are named in honor of
Mark Twain, a resident of nearby Virginia City, Nevada in the early 1860's and
himself the namesake for the small community in which Molossia lies. The
dogs are four month old wire-haired miniature dachshunds, a sturdy, long-bodied breed
known for their digging - a characteristic already amply demonstrated in
Norton Park. We welcome our new citizens and look forward to them being a
part of our lives and the Molossian scene for many years to come.
 Huck and Tom
Bottle Forest
The Republic of Molossia is pleased to unveil our latest art project, the
Bottle Forest. The bottle forest is just that, a collection of bottles on
trees, in this case cottonwood branches scrounged from the nearby Carson
River and set into the ground next to Red Square. Bottle Houses and Bottle
Forests can be found throughout the Southwestern US, and are a feature of
many old mining towns and other desert locales. Molossia's Bottle Forest
was conceived as a quirky replacement for the planned Bottle House project,
itself now on hold. The location of the Bottle House and the current Bottle
Forest will one day be home to the new Molossia Trading Company Building, to
be constructed in either 2016 or 2017. It the meantime this unusual art
display will decorate our nation and add a little more character to our
already unique nation!

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