6 June 2014 XXXVII
July Tourists
As the weather gets warmer tourist season continues here in Molossia and on 5 July 2014 XXXVII we hosted our latest visitors. At 10:39 AM MST Katy, Mary, Jerry, Karen and Mike rolled into our nation from the neighboring US, from such diverse places as Indiana, Maryland and right down the road from us in Carson City. For the next hour, His Excellency, The President, The First Lady and Chief Constable escorted our guests around Molossia as they took in all the sights and heard all the stories about our great nation. Mary, the youngest of the group, especially enjoyed launching the air rocket at the Space Monument, and seeing the Molossia Railroad make its rounds. In spite of the heat our guests had a fine visit, and after a stop at the Molossia Trading Company for souvenirs, heading back to their homes. We may be seeing all of them again soon; this year has already been one for repeat visitors! Regardless, it was excellent to see our guests and show off our great nation yet again!
 Karen, Jerry, Mike, the Chief Constable, The President, Katy and Mary.
New Molossia ID Cards
The Government of the Republic of Molossia is proud to announce our newest program, government-issued identification cards. Beginning on 7 July 2014 XXXVII all Molossian citizens will be issued ID cards to aid in identification throughout our nation. In addition, this identification may be used outside our nation in the US in certain circumstances. Our new ID cards include the picture, name, address and identifying statistics of each citizen, including height and weight in Nortons and Fenwicks. At this time having a Molossian Government issued ID is not mandatory, although that policy may change over time. We are quite proud of this new identification card program and look forward to it serving our nation and citizens for a long time.
 New Molossia ID Card.
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