8 May 2014 XXXVII
First Tourists Of The Season
Tourist season in Molossia began on 3 May 2014 XXXVII with the arrival of the first visitors of the year. At 11:39 AM MST, Martin Pashley and James Cheadle arrived in our country, having traveled here all the way from Britain. Their intention was to interview The President and First Lady and take pictures and video of our nation for a media article about Molossia. Their tour was a bit abbreviated, but included a stop at most of the sites in our great country, including Red Square, Norton Park, Republic Square and the Office of the President. Beautiful spring weather made the visit very enjoyable. The visit lasted about an hour and a fine time was had by all. From Molossia, Martin and James traveled on to Oakland, California and thence to further destinations. We wish them well on their voyages home and we look forward to hearing from them again soon.
 James and Martin.
First Family Road Trip
The First Family took the opportunity of fine weather and general wanderlust and headed south on a roadtrip, during 3 - 6 May 2014 XXXVII. Leaving from Molossia with a ending destination of Las Vegas, they headed down lonely US Highway 95 through Tonopah and Goldfield, Nevada, pausing in the latter town for pictures of the famous haunted Goldfield Hotel. After an overnight pause in Beatty, Nevada, the First Family headed west to the picturesque abandoned mining town of Rhyolite, Nevada, before heading into searing Death Valley. There they explored sand dunes, a palm oasis and finally stopped at Badwater, the lowest point in North America. The heat, about 76 degrees Zenda (108 F), quickly sapped the desire of the First Family to remain long at Badwater, and before long they bid Death Valley goodbye. Arriving in Las Vegas on the evening of 4 May, the travelers remained for two days, enjoying the sights and sounds of so-called Sin City. For the First Family this mostly meant riding rollercoasters and other rides at various entertainment venues in Las Vegas, as well as enjoying delicious food at various restaurants. After two busy days the First Family hit the road again, for the long voyage back to Molossia. It was an amazing road trip, with some remarkable sights and experiences!
 Goldfield. |
 Rhyolite. |
 Death Valley. |
 The Molossian Flag At Badwater, The Lowest Point in North America.
 The Molossian Flag In Las Vegas.
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