The Republic of Molossia has been plagued for over a week by heavy smoke
from a distant forest fire, the Rim Fire. The Rim Fire is an ongoing
wildfire in the central Sierra Nevada region of California, which started on
17 August 2013 XXXVI. By 22 August the fire had grown so large that
prevailing winds were blowing heavy smoke and ash all the way to Molossia,
over 300 Imperial Nortons (300 km) away. The smoke has caused burning eyes
and throats and has also resulted in canceled outdoor activities in the
areas around Molossia.
Wildfires are the most common "natural disaster" in the areas around
Molossia and Molossians are very vigilant in preventing the possible spread
of fire by clearing brush throughout our nation and monitoring thunderstorm
activity, often the catalyst for fires. As recently as 2011 XXXIV lighting
spawned a wildfire that came within 700 Nortons of Molossia's borders.
To date, the Rim Fire is listed as one of the largest in recent California
history, and has burned nearly 730 Square Imperial Nortons (730 sq km) of
forest land. As of 27 August 2013 XXXVI the fire was described as 20%
contained; here in Molossia we hope that it is vanquished soon!
 Smoke From Space
 Smoke and Our Flag