On 17 and 18 August 2013 XXXVI, The Magistrate of Ponderosa Territory, Shaun Kasimir, visited the Republic of Molossia for the first State Visit between our two nations. Ponderosa Territory is currently located in North Hollywood, California. The Magistrate arrived in nearby Reno, Nevada on the afternoon of Saturday, 18 August and was met there by His Excellency, The President, The First Lady and The Chief Constable. The group traveled first from Reno to Virginia City, Nevada, for a brief stop at the Ponderosa Saloon, a Virginia City landmark and namesake of the Ponderosa Territory. They then traveled to Molossia, where The President, First Lady and Chief Constable took The Magistrate on a tour of our nation, interrupted by a brief, violent thunderstorm. During the tour discussions were held in the Office of the President pertaining to micronational matters and our two respective nations. Tour and storm over, His Excellency and The Magistrate made the visit official by posing with their nations' flags in Republic Square. The President, in addition, awarded The Magistrate with the Molossian Friendship Medal, and the The Magistrate reciprocated by giving His Excellency a stetson hat and The First Lady a heart-shaped bolo tie. The group then retired to Government House for the evening, continuing their micronational discussions over a pizza dinner before retiring for the night.
The following day, The President, First Lady and Chief Constable returned with The Magistrate to Reno in the afternoon, to bid farewell to The Magistrate as he returned to Ponderosa Territory. Thus ended a successful diplomatic meeting, a milestone for both of our great nations.
 Two Flags
 The President and The Magistrate in Republic Square
 The Magistrate at the Post Office