23 February 2013 XXXVI
New Bank Building
As the weather in Molossia slowly starts to warm toward spring, a new building is being constructed in Red Square. This latest addition to our nation will be the headquarters of the Bank of Molossia. The Bank of Molossia has been around since the first Molossian coins and banknotes were issued, back in 1999 XXII. However, the Bank itself has always existed solely in cyberspace, lacking a permanent home. This spring, once the new building is complete, that will change. Thus far, work has proceeded well, with the walls and roof done. Still be completed are the floor, doors and porch - and of course the interior furnishings. Also in progress is the search for a banker, who will join Ralph the Postal Guy, Fred the Customs Guy and Trader Tom as the stalwart denizens of our public buildings. We anticipate that the Bank will be complete by mid-March, and we are all looking forward to this latest addition to our nation.
|  The Bank Under Construction
Naval Infantry Wargames Planned
Long quiet on the Molossian scene, the Molossian Naval Infantry is set to emerge again on our nation's stage. Last active in 2006 XXIX during the War with Mustachistan, the Naval Infantry served admirably in that conflict. In the intervening years there has been little call for the land branch of our Navy, in spite of that pesky invasion by Kickassia and the ongoing conflict with East Germany. Still, it pays to be prepared, so His Excellency, The President has directed that the Naval Infantry will conduct wargames this spring or early summer. These wargames will of course include practice on waterborne deployment and landing, as well as tactical maneuvers under fire. The time and location of the planned wargames is of course classified. We look forward to seeing our proud Naval Infantry in action again!
 The Molossian Naval Infantry