On 27 October 2012 XXXV, His Excellency, The President and the First Family participated in the annual Nevada Day Parade event. Located in Carson City, Nevada, this was the 74th occasion of the parade, which takes place on or around Nevada Day, the annual celebration of the admission of Nevada as a state. Nevada was admitted to the Union on 31 October 1864. At that time, the state was a significant producer of silver and gold, and therefore played a major role in financing the Union war effort during the United States Civil War. Nevada's admission as a state helped not only to pay for the War, but ensured a northern majority in Congress afterward.
The annual Nevada Day Parade includes marching bands, floats, local business representation, Nevada dignitaries, and of course Our President and the First Family. Included were the First Lady, Mme. Adrianne, M. Nathan, Mlle. Alexis and Mlle Kaylin. On this sixth appearance in the parade, His Excellency and the First Family rode in a 2012 candy apple green Ford Mustang convertable. The parade route stretches for about 1.2 Imperial Nortons (1.2 km) through the middle of Carson City, the state capital of Nevada. Along the route several reviewing stands are set up, with announcers introducing each parade entry. Unlike past parades, the announcers were somewhat better this year at pronouncing the name of our nation correctly. As the President passed the spectators, many called out, wanting to know where Molossia is located. His Excellency and the First Lady responded and the good humored crowd generally took it in stride that there was a sovereign nation right down the road from them, inside their own state. A fine time was had by all and we all look forward to next year's Nevada Day Parade.
 Ready for the Parade to Start!
 On the Parade Route.
 Smiling and Waving.
 More Waving!