Molossia has again played host to visitors from near and far. On Saturday, 1 September 2012 XXXV, our nation was visited by two different sets of tourists, a first for us. At 12:39 MST, Mike the Pirate and his son Danny arrived from nearby Dayton. They were escorted on a tour of Molossia by His Excellency, The President and First Daughter Alexis. Mike and Danny saw all of our nation's sights and chatted with The President about many topics, both Molossian and not. As they live very near to our nation, we have no doubt that we will see Mike the Pirate and his family again. At 2:39 MST, J. Stephen and Karen Conn arrived in our nation. Just two hours earlier they completed a 17 1/2 year quest to visit every county, parish, borough and census area in the United States - all 3,143 of them - a goal only reached by 34 people. Their journey ended when they arrived in nearby Carson City, the last county on their list. After a celebratory lunch, the couple ventured to Molossia, as a first step in a new quest toward seeing every country in the world. Their arrival in Molossia was again greeted by His Excellency, The President and First Daughter Alexis, and there followed a tour of our nation. Mr. Conn had many questions about Molossia and was very interested in starting a micronation of his own. Once the tour was over, the Conns returned the U.S. and presumably on to distant lands. We wish them well on their travels and hope to hear from them again.
 Mike the Pirate and Danny
 J. Stephen and Karen Conn