On 27 June 2012 XXXV The Republic of Molossia was visited by Jen Wahl, a reporter from KRNV Channel 4, a television station in nearby Reno, Nevada. This marks only the second time that local media has visited our nation, the other being in 2008 XXXI when a reporter from the Reno Gazette-Journal toured Molossia. At about 2:00 PM MST, Ms. Wahl arrived in Molossia and quickly settled down for an interview with Our President. Over a period of a half an hour she discussed with His Excellency the history and background of Molossia, with an eye toward educating Nevadans on the nation that exists in their midst. After the interview, The President and First Lady took Ms. Wahl on a tour of our nation, seeing most of the sights. After visiting the Customs Shack, Red Square, Norton Park and the Tower of the Winds, Ms. Wahl then interviewed The First Lady and First Daughter Alexis, getting their views on life in the world's smallest sovereign republic. This wrapped up the visit, and after the requisite photo op and passport stamping, Ms. Wahl was on her way back to America, to file her report about Molossia. The story is tentatively planned to air on 4 July. We wish Ms. Wahl well and thank her for her time and efforts as she presents our nation to the people of Nevada.
 The President and The Reporter.